As the date for the reunion grew near,
most railroad
companies offered reduced fares for the
veterans expected
to travel to the event, and the
commission started
preparing the reception for the honored
guests. A
great camp was set
up around the battlefield; the War
provided camp and garrison equipment
with all
quartermaster, commissary,
and hospital supplies necessary for the
care of the
The camp was opened on June 29, 1913,
and the first
meals were served to veterans at supper
evening. As the
veterans arrived they were greeted by
Boy Scouts,
the Boy Scout organization had begun in
England just
Six years before
the reunion, who escorted them to their
camps, which were organized into state
The Scouts, who
were quartered in the Seminary on
Seminary Ridge,
were constantly available in the camps
to run
errands for the elderly
The four days of events were organized
Veterans' Day, Military Day, Civic Day,
and National
Day, but the
overriding activity of the veterans was
intermingling and meeting with one
another and
talking over the events of 50
years before.
A May 1908 Act of the Pennsylvania State
Assembly initiated the organization of
the 50th
reunion of Confederate
and Union soldiers on the battlefield
at Gettysburg
by creating the Battle of Gettysburg
That commission
formally invited all other states and
the U.S.
Congress to participate in the
organization of a
fitting observance of
the semicentennial of the greatest
battle fought in
the Western Hemisphere. In June 1910,
the U.S.
Congress created a
joint special commission of cooperation
for the
event, and during the next three years
conferences were held
with representatives of the various
states as well
as the Grand Army of the Republic, the
veterans association,
and the corresponding Rebel
organization, the
United Confederate Veterans. The reunion
was funded
by a $185,000
appropriation from Pennsylvania and
$150,000 from
the federal government.